The Share Donation Charity

020 7930 3737

Donations from ShareGift

If you work for a charity that has recently received a donation from ShareGift, you may be wondering what we do and why we have chosen to make a donation to you.

How does ShareGift generate funds and choose which charities to support?

We are a unique charity who specialise in accepting donations of shares, particularly small holdings of shares which are not worth selling on their own. We exist to realise as much value as possible from unwanted shares by aggregating them, selling them and using the proceeds to make donations to a wide range of other UK registered charities, based on the suggestions of our donors and supporters. This not only creates a new income stream for charities, but it also saves ongoing administration costs for companies.

Our policy each time we distribute funds is to select a wide range of charities whose work is of interest to the people who give us their unwanted shares. We also identify charitable suggestions from individuals and organisations who assist ShareGift in our own work.  Our donations are made as unrestricted funding and charities may choose to put donations received towards their core costs if they wish.   We believe that this is the most effective way in which we can help charities with their work.  We do not pass on details of our donors on to beneficiary charities.

What do you as a charity need to do now?

Providing your system has generated an automatic receipt we do not require any further action from you. However if you would like to send us a note of thanks you can email this to .

How can we encourage future donations from ShareGift?

Because of the unique way that we choose our charities there is no need for you to add us to any mailing list. The best way for you to generate future donations from ShareGift is to let your supporters know about what we do, although there is no requirement for you to do so to be eligible for future funding. You can find more details about how to do this here

If you have any queries, do contact us.




Donations Made


Charities Supported

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